
Nathan vitale

head baseball coach jv-varsity

Coach Nate is a 2004 alumni of Emmanuel, and has a soft spot for the baseball program and his players. He has been faithfully coaching here since 2012 and has been the head coach since 2021.

“For the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”-Romans 6:23

jason wilson

JH head baseball coach

Coach Wilson is more than just “Coach”. He is also the middle school math teacher and the middle school Associate Principal. He wears many hats at the school and at home and is a member of Christ The Word Church. A husband to Rhoda for 24 years, father of 3, and “G” to 5 grandkids, Jason has a full and happy quiver.

“I teach and coach because God has gifted me to do so. I played baseball for 25 years, then coached my brother and my own kids. I’ve coached for 3 different HS teams. What a blessing to be able to combine my 1st love (baseball) with my greatest love (Jesus) and teach young men about both! This brings indescribable joy to me.”

“Becuase knowing who God is and not obeying Him in faith is demonic!” -James 2:19

tammy ramsey

track coach

Sean keane

tennis coach

Sean has been the head tennis coach at Emmanuel since 2023. Coming in as the assistant coach in 2022 and eagerly filling the spot of head coach in 2023, Sean has been excited to work with the young warriors and build up this brand new tennis team at Emmanuel. Having been a very accomplished tennis player himself since the age of 14, the role of Coach just came naturally to him.

“I enjoy the fun, discipline, and competition of all sports. And I most of all am grateful for the family relationships and opportunity to sow into the next generation of Emmanuel Christian Student Athletes.”

“The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.”-Proverbs 28:1

nick woodward

head softball coach